Ashley Barros

The Bay Area, CA

Ashley Barros

The Bay Area, CA

My name is Ash, & while tilling the Bay Area for
profundity in Millennial self and culture, I blog at SickCerberus.

I write freelance for the Internet & build/administrate websites, blogs, & social media outlets. My professional goals revolve around thought-leadership, & my talents are in developing ideas/building platforms for making those ideas accessible. I double-majored in the Humanities at Santa Clara University to study the nature of ideas and the environments in which they thrive. My topical interests are in Millennial culture & lifestyle, aesthetic philosophy, & philosophical activism in work, school, & recreation.

Connect with me for collaborative projects, laughs,
commiserating, whatever! Visit my LinkedIn for details on my abilities;
contact me at [email protected] to find out how
I can benefit your project!

  • Work
    • Freelance writing
  • Education
    • Santa Clara University