Ashy Bines
A proponent of clean eating, Personal Trainer Ashy Bines is based in Australia and offers a unique diet plan that features healthy foods rather than limited portions. A clean diet incorporates foods that are pure and natural, delivering optimal nutrition benefits. By eliminating processed foods full of chemicals, refined sugars, and grains, Ashy Bines teaches clients to eat foods that can be easily burned by the body rather than those likely to be stored as fat; her methods enable them to reach their goal weight and realize the bikini body of their dreams.
Instead of a establishing a conventional diet with a strict daily or weekly meal plan, Ashy Bines directs her clients to a new mindset that eschews foods that are unhealthy. Diets tend to fail because most people do not want to feel deprived for prolonged periods of time. Vacillating between strict adherence to a diet and treating oneself creates a yo-yo effect in which weight is lost for a short time before being gained again. Because it is hard on the body, this cycle sometimes produces a number of health issues and can initiate problems like low self-esteem.
The Ashy Bines Clean Eating Diet encourages a new lifestyle in which processed, fatty foods are almost completely eliminated and clients develop a new conception of "delicious." Clients choose small, healthy meals and nutritious snacks from her thorough list of clean foods. These foods prove readily available at farmer's markets and local supermarkets. In addition, Bines suggests that clients plan their meals and snacks and prepare them in advance. She believes that if people have healthy options ready and waiting when they are hungry, they often manage to avoid veering toward fast or convenience foods. In addition to her Clean Eating Diet, she also oversees the Ashy Bines Bikini Body Challenge.