Denise Jones

Public Speaker in Chicago, Illinois

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Denise Jones

Failure Is Not An Option...Never!!!

DENISE, born and raised on Chicago’s west side, is the eldest of seven children. At the age of twelve, her mother introduced her to shooting heroin. She dropped out of school in the fourth grade. She embraced the street life of drugs, prostitution, and crime. Her life was filled with poverty, incest, molestation, drug addiction, and incarceration. In the words of Denise, “Deep insecurity and inferiority, drug addiction, gender confusion tormented me for many years. I often wondered if I was human.”

She received that message and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal Savior in 1986. She accepted her calling as a Deliverance Minister in God’s True Holiness. Her belief system and faith are based on the doctrine of The Lord Jesus Christ. However, she respects the rights of individuals to choose their own beliefs just as she was allowed to do. For the past 29 years, she has been clean and sober and lives by II Corinthians 5:17(KJV)”Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation: old things are passed away; behold, all things are new.”

Denise had vowed never to return to school after dropping out in the fourth grade. But, she changed that vow after seeing what education had in the lives of her peers. So, she enrolled in Olive Harvey College and received her GED in 1993. Next, she enrolled at National-Louis University in 2005 and received her B.S. in Behavioral Sciences in 2007. Then, she continued her studies; she received her graduate degree from in Spertus College in Nonprofit Management with a specialization in Human Services Administration in 2009.

Denise realized that the business model she had could also be a vehicle to help ex-offenders get educated and employed in the janitorial cleaning arena. Therefore, she founded “Tender Touch NFP” in 2004. This 501c3 organization educates and provides a viable career track for ex-offenders who are being released from prison or jail. It is more than a re-entry program; it is a program that offers life skills for ex-offenders to remain drug-free and crime free along with training them in the careers of not only janitorial cleaning but also crime scene clean-up. Denise’s motto for her agency is “hands that once committed crimes now restore their communities”.

Denise is a Deliverance Minister, Inspirational, and Motivational Speaker; she has been on a passionate mission to share with others how to break free.

  • Work
    • Tender Toch Inc.
  • Education
    • Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership