Aziel Nunez

Assistant Director of the Lantz Center in Indianapolis

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In recognition of his contributions, especially to the Latinx community, Aziel Nunez received the Hispanic Heritage Month Mayor Proclamation. This award was a professional accolade and a symbol of his enduring commitment to bridging diverse communities and effective stewardship.

Outside of his professional life, he enjoys a variety of hobbies. He developed a passion for skiing during his undergraduate years in upstate New York, showcasing his adventurous spirit. In contrast, he also finds peace in studying first-century Judaism. Inspired by the life of Jesus, this scholarly pursuit allows him to explore the complexities of the sociology of religion. Additionally, his love for nature walks, often shared with his family, reflects his compassionate nature.

His leadership extends beyond his professional obligations, as he is deeply committed to serving communities outside his church. His altruism is evident in his consistent involvement in charitable activities, prioritizing the needs of others above his own. This commitment embodies the principle that authentic leadership is grounded in service.

His life is a testament to the power of dedication, education, pastoral care, and a deep curiosity for knowledge. His work in community upliftment aims towards creating an empowered, vibrant society. His story is interwoven with innate virtues, showcasing how dedication and service can significantly impact society.

He demonstrates leadership and vision in every aspect, focusing on personal achievements and the positive change he brings to individuals and communities. His life and work embody the idea that to serve is to lead, highlighting the impact one can have when guided by a commitment to serve others.

  • Education
    • Colgate University
    • MDiv from Yale University