Brian Carr

UX Designer and Organizer in New York

Visit my company website

Hey there, I’m Brian, co-founder of a political tech start-up named Victory Guide (part of the Higher Ground Labs portfolio.) Our goal at Victory Guide is to help progressive candidates run the best campaign possible.

For the past year, I have been using design thinking to create political tools for progressive candidates. In the process of building out political products, I have also created a robust UI system for fast iteration and agile product development.

Working in politics has been a passion of mine since 2005. When I first started working at Excellent Education for Everyone (E3). E3 was an education think tank co-founded by then-Mayor Cory Booker. At E3 I spent a serious amount of time using tech and design to build social capital in the education reform space. Which lead to several major bills being passed and helped countless children receive a better education.

When I'm not building tools for the progressive wave I work on various creative projects (Game Devs of Color Expo), cook exotic food, and continue to explore the greatest city in the world, my home, NYC.

If you would like to know more about me and my work:

  • Work
    • Victory Guide
  • Education
    • Penn State