Babak Shahbaz
Partner and Bunker Supplier in Toronto, Canada
Babak Shahbaz er partner i firmaet FuelSupply ApS. FuelSupply er specialister inden for bunker operations, hvor de bistår klienter over hele verden.
Babak er uddannet speditør og har arbejdet med shipping i mange år. Først som ansat hos et speditørfirma og senere som selvstændig.
Babak Shahbaz stiftede FuelSupply sammen med sin bror, og de er stadig partnere den dag i dag. En af de ting, der har dannet udgangspunkt for FuelSupply's succes, er deres store fokus på kundeservice. De tager altid det ekstra skridt for at gøre kunden glad, hvad end det betyder at være fleksibel, at opdatere kunden jævnligt med relevant info, at løse et pludseligt opstået problem eller noget helt fjerde. Babak Shabaz siger selv, at dette har stor betydning for firmaets succes.
Du kan læse mere om Babak Shahbaz på følgende sider:
Babak Shahbaz is partner in FuelSupply ApS; a company operating within the bunker business. FuelSupply assist clients all around the world. Babak Shahbaz is educated as a freight forwarder and has many years experince from both the shipping industry and the bunker industry.
Babak Shahbaz co-founded FuelSupply with his brother, and they are still partners to this day. One of the things that has formed the basis of FuelSupply's success is their great focus on customer service. They have an approach that is characterized by the need to take the extra step for the customer. This involved always taking responsibility for the assignment. In many ways this makes FuelSupply stand out compared to competitors. This has resulted in number of loyal customers.
Babak Shabaz himself says that this is of great importance in relation to the company's succes.