Barbara Camwell

New York, NY

Barbara is a 50 something year old mother of twins. Both her children were awarded spots at gifted & talented schools because of their record of outstanding scholarship.

Barbara was an actress and paralegal until 1995 when she developed permanent disability. She toured with the comedy group 'Chicken Lips' and as a stand up writer and performer for many years. She won awards for her work as an actress and writer.

Barbara is involved in local community improvement projects as well as being active at her children's schools.

Her interests include gardening, reading and writing.
(there are many malicious sites on the internet about me all put there by the same person and her 'friends.' Read them and you will see they all sound the same. Whether you choose to believe them or not - I suggest you get to know me before you give any credence to someone trying to extort money from me and harm my children and myself. Thank you)