Barrie England
Student in the United Kingdom
Barrie England
Student in the United Kingdom
I am an Oxford graduate in English Language and Literature and am qualified as a teacher of English to foreign learners. I have spent most of my career in British government service, much of it abroad. I have studied several other languages including French, German, Latin, Arabic and Old and Middle English.
On my website, Caxton, I discuss grammar and other aspects of language. I have contributed to the OULIPO site UpRightDown with my Variations on an Incident in Paris and the first of my two Google sites contains 66 variations on the first sentence of 'Pride and Prejudice'. The second Google site contains a set of 256 syllogisms.
I also administer I also administer a Facebook group, Lingua, at which you are welcome to apply to join.
(The first four links below are to previous blogs.)