Barry Slone

Dr. Barry Slone garnered extensive clinical experience in psychology and counseling before opening his own private practice, which he operates today from offices in Aliso Viejo and Orange, California. Dr. Barry Slone acquired his first experience providing individual and group counseling in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Phoenix, Arizona, the year after he finished his M.A.Ed. in Counseling and Student Personnel Services and his Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology at Arizona State University in Tempe. For three years after the Veterans Affairs job, Dr. Barry Slone performed individual, family, marital, and group therapy with an emphasis on substance abuse treatment as a Behavioral Health Clinician with the Banner Desert Samaritan Medical Center in Mesa, Arizona. Concurrent with the first year of his doctoral studies in clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology in San Diego, Dr. Barry Slone accepted a psychology internship with Jewish Family Service of San Diego, where he conducted school psychology and community education programs and performed psychodiagnostic assessments. Dr. Barry Slone followed this with a similar internship at Catholic Community Services of San Diego in 1980 and 1981. Following the receipt of his Ph.D., Dr. Barry Slone accepted a yearlong position as a Psychological Assistant at Southern California Permanente Medical Group, where he conducted psychoeducational groups that studied stress management, morbid obesity, and smoking cessation. His two-year appointment as Clinical Psychologist and Director of FullHealth programs at Fullerton Internal Medicine Group involved the development of behavioral medicine programs for a 22-physician team, as well as supervision and training of staff. The programs focused on new techniques for controlling stress, weight, and nicotine dependence. Barry Slone established his private practice during the final year of his FullHealth position, but continued to work as a clinical psychologist for other organizations thereafter, including Southwestern Medical Group in Laguna Hills, Samaritan San Clemente Medical Center in San Clemente, Saint Joseph Hospital in Orange, Cost Care in Huntington Beach, and Laguna Hills Hospital and Mental Health Center. These positions familiarized Barry Slone with geriatric psychodiagnostic assessment, management of acute care psychiatric and chemical depen