Boris Borchert

Social Media Manager in Berlin, Deutschland

Boris Borchert

Social Media Manager in Berlin, Deutschland

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Hansel and Gretel got lost in the woods. They tried to find their way back through google maps, but connection failed. They came to a gingerbread house and attempted to upload it on instragram, but had only edge. A witch lured them into the house and looked Hansel in a cage. He wanted to call for help, but his mobile had no energy left.

Then, I came along. I persuaded the witch to stop that child eating habit by showing her the bad reviews she already got on the net and introduced her to Amazon fresh. I handed Hansel a portable batterie pack for his mobile and taught Gretel to download google maps in advance. The witch opened a little gingerbread store on the net and I helped her with her social and content strategy.

Do you argue there are no child eating witches around? Maybe, but that does not mean you don´t have to check your own old habits in digital times.

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    • Berlin