Beanie Lei

Author in the UK

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Bitten by the storytelling bug as a child, it took me years to write anything down because I like talking too much. Find my ebooks on Amazon (all countries).

Reviews of my ebooks can be found on Goodreads, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon India, Amazon Canada, Nayu's Reading Corner ((1) and (2)), Diabolic Shrimp, and Lieze Neven's The Write Way.

Praise for 'The Fox and It' by Beanie Lei:

'I really liked the story because of Runty. Being inquisitive, being a little daring, not waiting for Mum's go ahead, wanting things all to himself,......and OOPS! Well, at least he learns a lesson at the end. Phew, what an adventure!' Reviewed by Anne Leong,, Twitter: @anne_leong

Do take a look at some of my interviews and guest posts on The Writer's Workout, Goodreads, and the Website of indie author Armand Rosamilia. My translations and poetry have been featured on online channels and magazines such as Resonate Voices, Visual Verse, Muhan Rouge's Youtube Channel, and Kabar Kabari.