Becky Boyland

I am an Internet marketing professional passionate about communicating Christian mission and leading organizations in the best methods to embrace cutting edge technology, including web and social media tools, to advance the message of Christ and their specific missions. More than just a trained and experienced marketer, I am a ministry practitioner with a seminary degree and over a decade in church staff and volunteer positions, bringing sound theology and genuine faith together with a vision for Christian mission. I can be trusted to find and provide answers and organized solutions with excellence and expert knowledge in a variety of fields. I have extensive experience in Christian educational and music ministry, non-profit marketing, web development, music and audio production, and graphic arts. I am enthusiastic about each of these areas, and even more excited to combine them!

  • Education
    • Master of Science in Internet Marketing, Full Sail University
    • Master of Arts in Ed. Min., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School