Beth Cotter

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Beth Cotter

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

I thrive when thrown into the heart of a complex task. To me it’s like solving a jigsaw puzzle. You dump out all those little pieces to make a big mess, glance at the box knowing that in that pile is one completed image, and then you hunker down to work your way through it.

A complex task is the same. You start with strategy, where do you want to end up, what do you need to understand to be able to get to a successful outcome, and then you break the project into deliverables.

I am lucky to have the unique ability to be both strategic and action oriented. I can’t walk away from the task once the strategy is set. It’s exciting to break down the project into implementation plans and then focus in to the get the work of each of those plans done. And I can’t start a project until I understand what has to be achieved; To be able to create the structure of a plan I have to start with the first order – where do I need to get to and why.

I think this ability comes from years of working on marketing campaigns and my achiever drive. My passion for branding taught me to be curious, a need to understand the why. Part of strategy is exploring to find the deeper meaning, to find that connection that’s pivotal in decision making. And in every project, there is always a deeper meaning.

  • Work
    • Marketing and Branding professional