Bethany Studenic

Government Relations, Student, and law in Cleveland, Ohio

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Bethany Studenic majored in Social Work, finished her Masters in Social Administration, and is completing her Juris Doctor. In 2010, Bethany worked with her first nonprofit, manning a domestic violence hotline, and knew her career would be built on helping others. Today, Bethany Studenic is a consultant, helping clients be the best at what they do by focusing on resource development and government relations. In her free time, Bethany is starting a nonprofit, bringing programming to life. Her unique set of skills helps private business, non-profits, and government do better.

Bethany Studenic believes that being kind is the best way to succeed. When you focus on your own strengths, and the strengths of others, you build on the best foundation. To help her stay positive, she keeps a photo journal going back over 6 years, with one photo for every day of her life, of something that made her happy.

Bethany doesn't eat meat, but does have lots of siblings. She lives in Cleveland with her husband, puppy, and angry cat. Bethany loves to roller skate and get involved in hobbies likely to get her hurt. She still has scars from her boxing days, and loves to throw a punch. Every year, she runs a Game of Thrones draft for family and friends, but still hasn't been able to draft Danerys.

So what makes her tick? Kindness, soybeans, staying fit, friends, and family. Being happy can take work, but it's worth it. Becoming a better person takes work, but it's worth it. Having a dog helps with both. If you follow, you'll see a lot of pictures of pets, selfies with loved ones, articles and commentary, and probably a lot of food. When she finishes law school, Bethany hopes to develop her hobbies and projects, and pursue happiness in all forms. Come on along, let's get better.