Bethany Stephens

Northwest Arkansas

Marketer, writer, PR strategist, communicator, consultant and connector.

Exhaustingly enthusiastic.

I serve as director of strategic marketing for Kendal King Group, a hybrid retail marketing agency, but I’ve worked in tourism and destination marketing, nonprofits, community and economic development and as a trainer and marketing consultant.

I’ve been smitten with words most of my life, from devouring books and magazines to studying foreign languages (which my mother claims was an attempt to ensure I could communicate with anyone I might encounter). I finally learned to seek multiple outlets for all the words I need to expend daily: I was poetic at The Little Magpie and on my niche marketing and food blogs, and I often contribute to magazines and speak at conferences and events.

My childhood was spent in Kingston, Jamaica and Paramaribo, Suriname (Dutch Guiana) and both extreme opposite sides of the United States. I became enchanted with the world and wanted to experience all of it, so after high school in Washington, college in Arkansas and backpacking through Europe, a professor finally offered me a French degree (probably to get rid of me).

I am incredibly fond of Arkansas and have an acute affection for coffee and technology. I’m enthusiastic about the outdoors, trying to live lightly, capturing and purveying stories and chasing big ideas. I love road trips and biking with my super smart and handsome husband as well as the antics, general chaos and quiet moments of most days with our daughters in our century-old home in downtown Rogers, Arkansas.

While most humans are made up of 75% water, I’m probably about 40% red wine.