Beth Wellesley

Promoting Brilliance in Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Live your purpose with fierce optimism.

Beth Wellesley is a Creative Strategist and Navigator of Change. Her consulting style is energizing, calming, and confidence building. Beth's expertise, customized tools, and resources meet people where they are on the road to engaging their authentic purpose and values. She supports innovation and growth for career and life leadership.

As the Founder and President of Promoting Brilliance, Inc. Beth is influences insights for growing awareness and tools for building positive, productive cultures for individuals, groups, and organizations. Beth leads and develops group experiences to support collaborative communication and Drama Busting™ tools. She offers consulting and coaching services for individuals, leaders, managers, and teams.

Beth loves balance and shining the light for making work effective, meaningful, and enjoyable. Applying creativity and innovation for pragmatic results to activate accountability. Promoting Brilliance programs and service offerings purposefully address communication and growth for your:

- Career engagement and development

- Agility for change and career/life transitions

- Creative fulfillment for your career and life

- Leadership effectiveness and decision-making

- Business ownership growth and start-ups

- Self-employment design and development

- Partnership alignment, working well together

- Respectful communication and productive collaboration

- Relationship confidence with yourself and others

- Facilitation for creative events and strategic off-sites

Beth also loves making art to raise money for homeless children and youth. Ask her about "Painting with Purpose". She also enjoys writing poetry and prose, designing creative resources for career and life leadership, salt water swimming, and the humility of her yoga practice.