Bhadresh Laiya

Web Developer, Project Manager, and Software Engineer in Ahmedabad, India

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I am a Professional PHP Developer with 7 years of empierce skilled in data collection, analysis and management with different types of framework like Laravel (with Cartalyst, OctoberCMS), CodeIgniter, Vue.Js, Node.Js, React.Js, Crypto Currencies Payments, BlockChain, BitCoin Technologies.

Built, tested and deployed scalable, highly available and modular software products.

Streamlined deployment process by developing continuous integration tools.

Wrote and implemented scripts to enhance user experience and integrate scripts with the CMS.

Designed and developed transactional and analytical data structures.

Evaluated potential software products based on new and existing system development and migration requirements.

- Technologies & Frameworks: PHP, ODOO, Python, JavaScript, Laravel, Cartalyst, OctoberCMS, CodeIgniter, Vue.Js, Node.Js, React.Js, Ajax, HTML5, Bootstrap, CSS, JQuery.
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Apache HTTP Server, SQLite.
- Server Administration: FTP, Remote Desktop, VPN, C Panel.
- Tools Experience: AWS, Twillio, WebRTC, GitHub, SVN, JIRA, Trello and Project Management tools

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