Blair Sharné

Blair Sharné

Blair Sharné is an American actress and entrepreneur.

She hails from Bridgeport Connecticut.

Blair Sharné gained notoriety in her hometown through her emotional performance of "The Creation" and character "Death" in James Weldon Johnson's, "God's Trombones," which landed her a column in the Norwalk Connecticut Hour Newspaper.

Donald Osborne, CEO of Don E. Productions states, "Blair Sharné is a tastemaker with the makings of a maverick."

Transitioning to film and television, Blair Sharné is making her rounds by appearing in many short and feature films circulating in both New York and Los Angeles Film festivals, commercials and television shows.

Blair Sharné studied theatre at the prestigious Hampton University and continued to perfect her craft with many notable coaches in New York City.

When asked about the love of acting Blair Sharné ensures us she is in love with the craft and says, "I can't wait for people to see Blair Sharné the actress in action, as well as meet Blair Sharné the person, and get familiar with Blair Sharné the brand."

Blair Sharné is currently residing in California continuing to pursue her career.