Bob Wesson

In the course of a career covering virtually all aspects of developing, financing, operating, marketing and selling a company, Dr. Bob Wesson has proven to be a skilled executive, visionary entrepreneur, and adroit trouble-shooter and turnaround expert. Dr Wesson invented the world's first 3D tower simulator for training air traffic controllers complete with speaker-independent voice recognition and true-to-life physics of motion; and created best-selling games and venture-capital-funded speadsheets and word processors for the original IBM PCs.

Throughout his career, he has been tapped to turn around troubled situations, envision and develop new products, and integrate cutting-edge technology into existing product lines, notably specializing in award-winning speech recognition interfaces. Bob has a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Texas in Austin, Texas, USA. He is a licensed instrument-rated pilot and blue-water yacht captain.