Bobby Battista

San Francisco

I'm a tech enthusiast with a background in startups, an education in medicine, and a lifestyle of passion, travel, and music.

I've excelled in all of my work with tech startups because of my competency in both the technical and social worlds. Through years of experience in business development, I'm totally comfortable speaking the language of developers as well as customers.

Inspired by experiences at Burning Man in BRC, Japan and Korea, I decided to leave my life on the east coast and dive head first into San Francisco.

Credentials: I got my BS in Neuroscience from Northeastern University. I recently passed the MCAT, but I don't plan on going to med school. I've also got over a decade of experience in tech, ranging from tech support, to sales engineer, to GM.

  • Work
    • Available
  • Education
    • Northeastern University
    • Neuroscience