Bob Ransley
Bob Ransley, popularly known as America's Finest Colorist, is an acclaimed painter in the style of artististic Romanticism. Bob Ransley's paintings portray color on canvas like never before. As an oil painter, he has always been fascinated with the boundless and vividly dramatic effects, exotic colors could create. Bob Ransley's paintings are the symbolic embodiment of his eternal fervour to convey through the language of his extraordinary colors.
Bob Ransley was born in Troy, New York in the year 1955. He spent his early years growing up and running errands with his siblings, on their family farm. Despite joining hands with his brothers in their family boat yard business, the passion for art compelled his creative self to paint another life story, one as an artist. The oil painter has received his formal training from the Swain School of Design in New Bedford, Massachusetts, followed by graduation from the esteemed University of Mass with a degree in Art Education.
Bob Ransley is most celebrated for his distinguished portrayals of wildlife and floral themed paintings in rich and curious strokes and shades. His paintings illustrate reality in incomparable spectrums. The artist likes to live between numerable places, as he believes the novelty of the location acts as an elixir for creative inspiration and imagination.