Bradley Bohmer

Web Developer, Social Media Manager, and Small Business Owner in Roanoke, Virginia

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Over twenty five years in management, having an extensive technical and training background, I've been able to own and operate many successful business' online and offline ventures. I have a strong leadership, interpersonal and communication skills as well as proven business acumen.

With starting in the age of direct mail and network marketing, I've been able to spawn into internet marketing with the experience and motivation needed for rapid growth in today's market place. Having the technical background has given me an additional advantage in developing strategies to successfully position my companies for future growth and leadership. In mentoring my associates using the experience and motivation I instill gives an overall higher advantage in customer service and retention. I can provide the resources and knowledge base necessary for today's business' to successfully compete globally.

I started ehomeofficesolutions in order to provide today's up and coming business' the resources needed to compete in the market place. These resources are the same resources that took years to accumulate in order to provide a minimum amount of investment yet to provide a maximum amount of return. Education is another key component ehomeofficesolutions provides for its client base in order to insure a stable future and potential growth.

Visit our sites for a lifes journey into Internet Marketing. We look forward to getting to meet and network with like minded individuals.

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