Brandon Morris

Student in Athens, Georgia

Brandon Morris

Student in Athens, Georgia

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Hello, my name is Brandon Morris, a student at the University of Georgia, and I am primarily passionate about writing. Ever since my first stab at transmitting all the ideas jostling around in my brain onto paper in the second grade, I knew I was going to aspire to be an author. I mean, that first ever short story I wrote about a vicious struggle for power between lions may as well have been the inspiration for the modern-day epic Game of Thrones. Since my days as a grammatically incorrect second grader, I've improved my writing ability and style as I've aged. Additionally, I have expanded my range on different topics I've written on. Generally, I prefer writing horror or apocalyptic novels and I have spent the past three years writing and revising my own apocalyptic series. I've completed the first two books and half of the third book, and I do intend to seek publications in the not-too-far future. If I had to pigeon-hole an ultimate goal for myself, I'd have to say traveling the world and getting inspiration from wherever my adventures take me for my stories. Obviously this fantasy could only happen if I met the correct publisher, my works became famous, and I earned enough money to afford these travels, but there's nothing wrong with having a dream. And as Colin Powell once said, "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work," which is exactly what I hope to inject into my hobby and passion.