Brandon Tomlin

Brandon Tomlin graduated from the University of Missouri–Kansas City with a degree in German Studies. While attending UMKC he wrote his bachelor thesis about “How Science Fiction Functions as a Method for Creating Future Technologies”. This research project analyzed the rules to predictive science fiction though a historical perspective with what ways science fiction influenced the growth of rocketry in the German Weimar Republic from 1919 to 1933 before the Nazis gained power.

Other interest and hobbies:

Brandon’s interests lie in the realm of understanding what ways science and technology is influencing the future of humanity, and what ways these new developments are shaping our ever-accelerating future.

Brandon H. Tomlin is a Contributor at and, an executive board memeber at the LifeBoatFoundation and member of the World Future Society (WFS)


C++, Javascript, WordPress, HTML, Linux/Unix, BSD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Networking protocols, R, STATA, and understanding of network security.

Papers Brandon has Authored:

What won’t exist in the world by 2030? The end of an ideology, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence from a Cartesian Perspective, The History and Future of Computer Input, Scientists Find Sorcerer’s Stone: Turn Cement into Metal, HIV Vaccine, DNA Nanorobots: A New Method For Treating Cancer. Your next GUI will be a BUI, The Psychology of Failed Predictions, The Extinction Of The Pure Human, What if Google bought Detroit?, and A Method For Creating Predictive Science Fiction.

  • Work
    • Marketing Assoicate at DuraComm Corporation
  • Education
    • B.A. in German Studies from the University of Missouri-Kansas City