Breauna Hagan

Volunteer Manager, Consultant, Public Speaker in Atlanta, Georgia

Volunteerism is the beating heart of many nonprofit organizations, driving the work that fulfills missions. These organizations know that dedicated, passionate volunteers are a boundless resource, worth cultivating and stewarding. Too often, though, organizations can't find the volunteers they need, or can't take full advantage of those they have.

My expertise, and my passion, is connecting people with causes that matter to them, and making sure nonprofits are fully capable of utilizing the skills, talents, and enthusiasm of each volunteer to increase capacity.

Nonprofits must foster volunteerism with dynamic engagements, where passions are nourished, skills are built, nonprofit leaders are created, and long-term relationships are established. That's why I'm here.

"There is an art to connecting individual to mission, a skill in marrying passion to action. The true groundkeepers of this meeting place are volunteer managers. They are the force that connects people with cause."

-Breauna Hagan

Want to collaborate, need advice, or just want to chat? Email me at [email protected]!

  • Work
    • Connecting the Cause
  • Education
    • Georgia State University-Masters of Public Administration