Lubabalo Brian Bhozo
I'm a 31 year old African male, I am married to Olwethu-Olly with one son - Oyama-Imani . I studied Human Resources Management at Peninsula Technikon and am currectly working as a Skills Development Facilitator, Human Resources Officer and a Training Officer for Langeberg Municipality.
I'm an Anglican with strong links to: BMG, AYF, AYM within the Church. Played part in civil society organizations and active in the Youth Development and Ministry structures. I am fascinated by political developments and their role in evryone's life and the studies of theology that often reveal what God seeks to tell us in our daily lives with an intent to one day join the Ordained Ministry.
Motto in life: Being a pioneer requires a walk of faith, a vision of a hawk, relentless investment in work and a willingness to go where no one has gone and doing what no one else has done before (Motto constructed by Brian Bhozo)