Brian Fields

Web Developer, Father, and Non Profit Manager in Newville, Pennsylvania

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Brian Fields has been involved in secular activism since 2009. He joined the board of directors of PA Nonbelievers—central Pennsylvania’s largest grassroots secular organization—in 2010 and currently serves as president of that organization. Brian also co-founded the PA Freethought Organization Coalition (PAFTO), which is responsible for the PA State Atheist/Humanist Conference (Now it its 5th year) and is working to grow freethought groups in Pennsylvania.

Brian is the co-chair for the Secular Coalition for Pennsylvania, the state chapter of the Secular Coalition for America. Brian also serves on the board of directors for the national Camp Quest organization, overseeing residential summer camps for the children of atheists, freethinkers, secular humanists, and humanists. Professionally, Brian works as the Manager of Software Development for InformedDNA, a genetic services company in Florida.

  • Work
    • InformedDNA