Brian Glicklich

Brian Glicklich's How Handy Is That helps high profile individuals and organizations achieve tactical and strategic superiority.

Digital Management: We develop and execute digital plans for entertainers, broadcasters, and other public figures.
Reputation & Crisis: When the unexepected strikes, we organize, mobilize, and neutralize bad news online quickly. We work with the nation's most effective Crisis Communications firms, Law Firms, and other advisers to perform in real time.
Search Engine Strategy, Optimization and Marketing: We specialize in effective methods of moving positive links up in search engine ranks, and getting negative links out of the way. Digital Discovery & Research: When gadflys or stalkers attempt to influence or intimidate, our specialized expertise gets to the source quickly.
Social Network Best Practices & Management: Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and the like are critical parts of your business strategy. We understand how they work and how to use them to your benefit.

Areas of Engagement:
We are typically engaged to work in these kinds of situations...
-Defamation & Reputation Defense
-Media Correction
-Short Sellers
-Criminal & Civil Litigation
-Digital Lobbying
-Bankruptcy Reorganization
-Gadflys & Stalkers
-Organized Opposition
-Brand Boycott Defense