Brian Harmon

airports and interstates


  • Owner & Operator of The 917 (interactive nightlight entertainment venue)
  • Chairman/CEO of Harmon Investment Group & Stratos Ventures LLC
  • Founder of PetQR
  • Founder of BonART
  • Software Trainer @ Daxko
  • Director of Operations for Bodnar Investment Group (Fresh Hospitality)


  • Co-Founded Entrepreneurial Club at the University of South Alabama
  • Elected President of UAB Management Society
  • Appointed to City of Anniston Planning Commission at 22
  • Co-Chair of 2010 Anniston Census Committee
  • Chairman of Coldwater Mountain Advisory Board
  • Commissioner with Calhoun County Metro Planning Authority
  • Education
    • Management
    • University of South Alabama, UAB, JSU