Brian Royce

CEO in Houston, TX

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Brian Royce, synonymous with entrepreneurial brilliance and business acumen, epitomizes the ideals of success, resilience, and visionary leadership within the corporate sector. His rise from an influential CEO to an inspiring figure in business circles illustrates his formidable career. Beyond his professional realm, he embraces his devoted husband and father roles. His journey began in Redwood City, California, developed through his upbringing in San Francisco, and flourished in Houston, Texas, where he has offered invaluable expertise to diverse industries.

His career, spanning over a decade, is highlighted by his tenure as CEO of Epik and COO of various organizations and his significant presence on numerous corporate boards. His mastery in finance, management, technology, and fintech has been instrumental in helping businesses realize their ambitions. Notably, Hiship at Epik was marked by profound enhancements in company dynamics, elevating productivity and boosting employee morale.

His impressive track record encompasses raising significant funds, founding, scaling, and selling enterprises, and transitioning businesses from volatility to stability. His educational journey at Texas Tech University was foundational in cultivating the business insights pivotal to his ongoing success.

His enthusiasm for sports, mainly shooting and auto racing, roots back to his childhood hunting and fishing experiences near San Francisco's North Bay. He actively engages in these pursuits, often alongside his wife, participating in various racing and shooting events. His love for these activities extends to his family life, where he encourages his four children to engage in similar sports, fostering a shared passion.

Discipline and continuous learning are cornerstones of his lifestyle. With a routine that begins at 4:30 AM, he dedicates time to reading multiple books simultaneously, underlining his commitment to perpetual learning. He prepares himself for future challenges by furthering his knowledge through executive education, especially at Rice University.

Beyond his career and hobbies, Brian Royce is deeply involved in community service. An active member of the Rotary Club, he contributes to initiatives that aim to uplift communities and drive societal advancement, reflecting his profound commitment to social responsibility.

  • Education
    • Texas Tech University