Brittany Killgore

Student, Web Developer, and Mother in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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I'm 25 years young, born & raised in Okc, Ok. I'm attending school for the 2nd time so that I can receive my credentials in Web Design & Development, which is & has been for quite some time, my passion that I just so happen to be a natural at. I have 2 daughters: Adriana is my oldest, she's 8 years old & Alesia is my youngest (whose nickname is "Fluffy") & she's 7 years old. They're straight 'A' students & they're my spitting images. I plan to use my skills in WD&D to one day start my own business or work for an awesome company in order to give my girls & also myself the life we so deserve. I'm very optimistic & outgoing. I love making new friends as long as they're the "right kind" of friends. No negativity around here! Well, that's a little summary of myself for now. Hope you enjoyed!

  • Q. If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be and why?
  • A. I would love to have the ability to fly because people walk/drive entirely too slowly, and also because I could go anywhere without anything stopping me. (Except the weather occasionally haha) I'd also love to have super speed powers so I could get stuff done faster!
  • Q. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be and why?
  • A.
  • Q. If you could have three wishes granted, what would they be?
  • A. For my first wish I would ask for a great paying, steady job in order to pay for my second wish. My second wish would be for a beautiful, fully furnished, safe home for my family and I. And for my third wish, I would ask for my family (referring to my present and future children etc.) to be healthy & to live happy and comfortable lives.
  • Q. If you could go on a road trip with any person (dead or alive), who would you choose and where would you go?
  • A. Lloyd and Harry from the movie "Dumb and Dumber", because they are two of the funniest guys on a roadtrip I've ever seen. I'm sure to have the time of my life with them no matter where we go.
  • Q. What is the most important invention or innovation that has happened during your lifetime?
  • A. I'd have to say computers & smart phones because if it wasn't for them I'd be out of work!
  • Education
    • Putnam City Academy
    • Francis Tuttle Technology Center WDD