Brittany Slaughter

College Admissions Counselor in North County San Diego

Helping others connect with their passions is what inspires me to get out of bed and work hard every day. That's why all of my professional job experience revolves around counseling and guiding people to take their first step towards their own professional goals. I currently serve as the Director of Regional Admissions for Elon University. I travel throughout the West, educating students, families and high school counselors, on the lifelong benefits of an Elon education. I also have the privilege of participating in outreach work for underserved communities, providing support and guidance to first generation college students who are planning for their post-high school career.

When I take my recruiting hat off, you’ll find me surrounded by family and friends, cooking and drinking wine to the tune of Van Morrison, my little girls dancing alongside.

  • Work
    • Elon University
  • Education
    • Elon University