Bran Lindy Ayres

Ozark, MO

Bran Lindy Ayres

Ozark, MO

I am represented by Tish Beatty of the L. Perkins Literary Agency.

As an avid reader and writer and a member of the MOGAI (Marginalized Orientations, Genders, Alignments and Intersex) community it’s my goal to bring the more marginalized orientations and gender identities into the public consciousness. I write romance for those of us who are more interested in the emotional journey than the physical attraction and who like to see healthy loving relationships grounded in mutual respect and trust. My characters are complex, flawed and true-to-life portrayals of the struggles of being different from society’s norms.

My hope is that by sharing these stories readers will find characters and situations to relate to, and see that love does indeed come in all shapes and sizes. Having your orientation and/or gender represented in books you love is incredibly important to a sense of self-worth and everyone deserves to be represented.

Catch my blog here. Or support me on Patreon.

  • Work
    • writer
  • Education
    • Associates Business Management