Bonnie Schroeder, MSW, RSW

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Bonnie is a recognized expert on caregiving issues in Canada and has written and presented on how to effective support seniors and their caregivers through program and policy development for a variety of audiences.

Bonnie launched out as a social program and policy consultant specializing in program development and evaluation, research and writing and group facilitation in 2013. Throughout her career, Bonnie has worked primarily with seniors, persons with disabilities and their caregivers in a variety of settings including home care, community support and public health. In 2012, Bonnie was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for her contribution to caregiving programs and policies by the Canadian Home Care Association.

On a personal note, Bonnie comes from a long line of caregivers. Throughout her life, Bonnie has watched her mother moved from one caregiving relationship to another including her aging parents, her foster son and a host of neighbours and community members in need. Her mother’s caring capacity has inspired her to do and care more. Bonnie’s aim is to ensure that caregivers are recognized as care partners and that they are well supported in their caregiving relationships. That’s her promise!

  • Work
    • Consulting in Ottawa
  • Education
    • Master of Social Work (Carleton 2000)