Buddy Willard


Born and raised in the US, I have lived in most States west of the Mississippi. I moved to Germany in 1998 and subsequently to the UK in 2003, even though I have lived in many countries across Europe for over two decades, I still consider California my home. I am now a dual national (US/UK), married with a great dog and consider my base England but reside where my clients need me.

I am an international CxO who loves music, scuba and cars. At work I specialize in delivering corporate interim leadership, coaching / mentoring and non-executive director services to businesses that need my help. On my free time, I have really grown an interest into food from around the world and pre-1900 cocktails and beverages. When I can get to warmer climates, enjoy time on/in/around the water.

  • Work
    • www.willardenterprises.co.uk