Bob Wonch

Web Developer, Student, and Consultant in Fort Collins, Colorado

Read my blog

I am currently a graduate/student at Front Range CC and Regis University studying Computer Information Systems with a little photography mixed in for good measure. I have worked with a few clients consulting on the development and revamping design layout. My 9 to 5 so to speak is in the CIS (Computer Information Systems) business department doing data input and often creating flyers to advertise different computer classes in an attempt to increase sign-up.
I have also worked with LifeSorm Creative Media doing photography for a little over a year. Shooting clients for Linked-In or other social media profiles. Though we shoot a vast gamut of people, cars, models, and just about anything else you can think of, family photography is our bread and butter.
I am involved in a few clubs in the Front Range as well. I am the president of the computer club called CPU (Computer Programming Unit), I run the brand new photography club that I got started last semester, and last but not least I am the vice president of publicity for Phi Thea Kappa.
I live with my beautiful family in Fort Collins, CO. My wife Amy is a brilliant photographer who is really the foundation of the photography side of LifeStorm. My son Dominic is a student at Rocky Mountain High and is an outstanding artist who is involved with a youth group who focuses on art called Live Creative.
All in All my life is good, busy but, good.

  • Work
    • FRCC Student Worker
  • Education
    • Currently finishing up my associates degree