Cady Voge

Cady Voge

Update: I am taking the leap to follow my dreams of combining digital storytelling (film, photography and writing) with my background in education and training. Over the next 6 months I will be traveling to India, Burma, Iceland, and Colombia (and possibly more!) to tell stories with some of my closest friends and colleagues. Stay tuned and follow along here:

Stay tuned for a website coming soon!

At the beginning of her senior year in high school Cady joined founder Jess Rimington and a few other youth from around the world to form the first core volunteer staff for One World Youth Project (OWYP). OWYP connects classroom pairs around the world in virtual exchanges through sending videos, pictures and messages back and forth over the course of an entire school year, while together exploring a weekly cultural competence curriculum of hour-long lessons.

Cady grew up in a very diverse area in California and was fortunate enough to be a part of schools and communities that always showed her the value of bringing together people across difference. While going through a rigorous social justice curriculum in high school, Cady became very passionate about education equity from a very young age – it became her main focus of study and work as an undergraduate studying Community Development at the University of California, Davis. She also had the opportunity at the age of 12 when she was selected to join a small delegation of fellow 6th graders to represent her hometown in their Sister City, Sakai, Japan. After 10 years of work and commitment to OWYP Cady still believes there is no other mission that so perfectly combines her passion for spreading the magic that is cross-cultural exchange, and her core value and belief that education can heal all else in our society; we will not have peace until everyone has access to an education.

When OWYP scaled their operations to a full-time staff Cady moved to Washington, DC in 2010 to join the team. Since then Cady has revamped OWYP’s middle school curriculum and created a university program from scratch in order to engage university students around the world as facilitators of the OWYP curriculum in their local middle schools.

As of January 15th 2015, Cady has transitioned out of her staff role at One World Youth Project to pursue her interest in d