Alessandra Callegari
Born and raised in South Italy, Naples, currently I'm studying foreign Languages and Literatures to become a fashion editor in the future. Not here, of course.
I like crowded places, noisy cities and nightlife. Madrid is where I left my heart: there I got what I really wanted to do in life and London is where I understood how to get it.
I love interesting and enriching people (not in a material way... well, not only!) but they are rare. People, today, are just too plain and too ordinary; few of them caught my attention.
Even more than people I love book: tales, novels, poems, essays, aphorisms... everything is fascinating to me. I don't have a favorite genre or author, it all depends on the moment. But even more than books I love theatre: it's just like a metaphore of life and I always feel like I've been dragged to another dimension from which I can see myself living. It's kinda weird, I know eheh.