Cameron Clokie

Surgeon in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Cameron Clokie, a renowned maxillofacial and oral surgeon, is on a mission to popularize the regenerative medicine. He played a pivotal role in developing a technique to regenerate the jaw bones which were considered near impossible before. As a scientist and surgeon with decades of experience in understanding the complex medical conditions, Dr. Clokie thinks about the most convenient, cheap, painless way of treatment when he is part of any research. Interestingly, he tasted his initial success more than a decade back in regenerative medicine when Dr. Clokie regenerated more than seven centimeters bone in the jaw of a patient in 2005, who lost it due to a tumor. Since then, the technique is getting increased attention and considered as a milestone in regenerative medicine.

Clokie completed the initial treatments at the Mount Sinai Hospital and Toronto General Hospital, and it was a major step in developing any form of tissue to cure people of organ failures or recovering lost parts. It is least painful and offers quick recovery considering the painful and less effective method used earlier. Dr. Clokie treated seven more patients in the same year of different ages, and every one of them experienced greater recovery. The new procedure needs less complex surgery and leaves just a faint scar which is very unlikely with other treatment methods.

In the procedure, Dr. Clokie inserts a particular type of growth protein called bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) into a putty-like gel to create a condition for its natural growth. He shapes in the form of the lost bone piece and places it in the missing part of the body with the support of a titanium rod. Within a couple of days, the blood vessels would grow around the inserted structure, and the gel would dissolve; this leads to the growth of bone cells into tissues and fills the gap of the missing bone as a regenerated bone. Many researchers have praised the treatment technique as innovative as it can offer an advanced form of regenerative medicine. Dr. Clokie also assured his commitment to bringing the treatment into cost-effective and accessible for everyone. The landmark development is expected to make further research in the treatment methods and is expected to give better results and treatment options to patients.

Clokie is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Induce Biologics Inc., a Toronto-based regenerative medicine firm working on solutions in musculoskeletal reconstruction. For long