Canberk Ozcelik

Mobile Engineer in Amsterdam, Netherlands

Read my blog

Hello, I'm a 7y experienced Mobile Developer who graduated in Software Engineering.

I direct myself to remain updated by following trends and best practices on mobile development.

In my spare time, I like to read content related to my interests as Android, iOS, cross-platform, Agile methodologies, AI, machine learning in mobile etc.

I'm always open to new opportunities and challenges.

Good skills:

- Android development:

- iOS development (Swift)

- Clean Architecture: Android Architecture Components

- Data storage: SharedPreferences, UserDefaults, Internal/External memory

- Sensors, Location, Maps, beacons

- Understanding and using guidelines; Cupertino/Material Design; common UI/UX patterns; using support libraries

- Creating applications for multiple screen resolutions (Autolayout/ConstraintLayout)

- Firebase (authentication, analytics, notifications, remote config)

- Integrations with social networks (facebook, google, twitter)

- Dealing with REST API

- Signing and publishing applications.

- Mostly used libraries:
RxSwift, RxCocoa, R.swift, Moya, Snapkit, KeychainAccess, Kingfisher
RxJava, Dagger, Coroutines, Picasso.

Basic skills:

• BashScript – automation for routine jobs & deployment.

• Adobe AfterEffects - preparing simple animations and integrating them into mobile platforms.

Version control: Git (SourceTree, GitKraken, Fork).

  • Work
    • Mobiquity Inc, Europe
  • Education
    • Işık University