Candace Collins

Candace Collins

I was born on March 19,1995 in Milledgeville, Georiga. My hometown in Harrison, Georgia. All through my school years I've always ben an honor student and involved in organziation. In High School I was an Ambassador, in which I did campus tours, volunteered, and was in attendance at all community events. Other organziations I was invlovled in where FBLA, Y.E.A.H Club(Youth encourgaing Abstinent Habits), Yearbook Staff, and Beta Club where I was Vice President my senior year. I graduated from Washington County High School, in the top 5% of my class. After graduation I commited to the University of Georgia, and I am currently a first year and majoring in Bioloigcal Sciences and Business. After graduating from UGA, I plan to go to medical school.

Personally, about me I am a real fun person, One of my favoite things to do is laugh and to make others laugh. I love reading, especially books set in the 1930s-1940s time era. I love listening to music and watching movies and it would be impossible for me to chose my favorie movie or favorite artist. Because I watch so many movies and listen to all genres of music. Another thing I love to do is help people, I believe that even a smile can brighten someone else's day. Through out highschool I was involved in many volunteer projects and found out that my passion is helping others. Another passion of mine is my Faith. Besides helping people my purpose in life is spread my Faith and do the will of God.