Candice Hildebrandt

Candice Hildebrandt

I believe in love. If you look, you can see it everywhere & in everything. I see it in the tiniest of details. I see God’s love in a ray of sun shining through dewy leaves in the morning. I see the unconditional love of my three boys when I kiss them good morning & take care of them as only I know how. I surely see it in the way my husband of 15 years puts up with my crazy ideas & complete randomness with patience, understanding, and a need like no other to make sure that I’m the happiest woman alive (Pretty sure I am by the way).

I am a believer that life is messy, and that it’s not about the destination but the journey and most importantly the lasting connections you make along the way. Family… & friends too. Our one common interest as human beings is the need for that connection. To know that we all belong somewhere… to someone.

My favorite thing in the world is to capture connections. Whether it’s a couple on their wedding day, or just before their first baby is due or even 50 years later with 10 grandkids...

It’s the emotions that drive life’s journey that interest me. Life inspired photography. For me it’s more than just pretty pictures, it’s the relationships I build with each and every client.

When you step in front of my lens, you become family.