Candice Berneman Kahn
Los Angeles, CA
Candice is well known for her humor, sarcasm, talking too much, her ability to organize anything and anyone, but most of all her keen fashion sense. Her juxtoposition of drill in one hand and lipstick in the other, while wearing killer shoes is the best description of this can-do girl.
Candice is creator/owner of Fashionably Organized, a place for the modern woman to find tips and suggestions for maintaining a chic lifestyle on a budget. Writing about fashion, beauty, organization, home decor, and DIY is the unique blend of Candice's passions, which is representative of the modern woman.
Candice is also owner of CB Media Solutions a boutique virtual assistance and brand/site management company. This outlet allows her to embrace her extreme love for creating spreadsheets.
Candice is a contributor on Savvy Sassy Moms, where she did a stint as the editor and social media coordinator extraordinaire.
Candice has worked with many brands in elevating their on-line presence, and would love to work with you.