Cari Lea

Florida, United States

Cari Lea

Florida, United States

I'm a redheaded Jersey girl that got sick at the age of 11 with severe MECFS. I later collected diagnoses like Pez: adding in Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Severe Chronic Pain and just recently CVID (common variable immuno deficiency - ie: I have a crummy immune system) among others.
I'm a Ginger Ail you might say!

This blog will be about what has helped me (Ampligen, IVIG, an Intrathecal Morphine Pump), what has made me sicker (the list is shockingly long) and all those funny, silly, sad stories on how you cope with it all.

This blog is my story, my path to full remission (which I know is possible because it happened to me once before).