carla webb

Small Business Owner in Keota, Oklahoma

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Hi my name is Carla I am 37 and I live in Oklahoma. I am a mom to 4 boys. One out of the house on his own and two 18 who will graduated this year. And one who is 13. I am married to a man I love unconditional. I lost my mom last year. Feb. 6, 2015. She had cancer. We only found out Jan 21, 2015. She had liver cancer and moved to her brain. She wanted to die at home with me her only child and fur grandsons. My husband who she loved and my dad. So she wanted me to make sure no hospital at all. So I called hospice. And she died at home. I decided after her death to live life differently. So I live life like I am dying I live it to the fullest. And I am not holding back. I speak my mind and don't candy coat anything. I got of all my so called friend and decided only my true friends will who I will keep. I promised to help my dad and work on our relationship and I am. I am stubborn, honest and loyal. My mom is my hero strongest person I know. I hope only to half as strong as she was..

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