Carlos Garcia


Carlos Garcia is an innovative, portrait photographer and videographer with eight years of experience in digital music production, editing and mastering. His skills in lighting techniques and special effects with portrait and commercial photography produce photos that stand out above all others.

A family man, Carlos is the father of two beautiful children, Maya and Salvador. Born in El Salvador and raised in Canada, Carlos is bilingual in English and Spanish. One of his personal goals is to travel back to El Salvador with his family and capture the many stunning landmarks and beaches. He also likes ethnic foods from all over the world. He enjoys producing digital music as a hobby, creating electronica tracks and mastering them in his home studio. Inspired by the iconic photographer, Ansel Adams, Carlos developed a passion for monochrome photography.

Carlos’ unique compositions are a combination of macro composition mixed with long exposure, light drawing. His favorite is “long exposure zoom photography” which produces spectacular, surreal, three-dimensional works, has defined him as an innovative artist as well. He is able to capture the depth of a moment and prove the timeless adage: that a photo is worth more than a thousand words. His portrait and commercial shots along with his videography, reach a level that will always exceed your expectations.
Carlos is dedicated to being a life-long student, who is always looking for projects that challenge him and push the boundaries of art and technique.

You can reach Carlos Garcia by email at [email protected]

“Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.” – Ansel Adams

  • Education
    • Durham College