carly rogers

Old colwyn

Employment Current; Managing Partner - Willicreative, Digital Manager - Bodnant Welsh Food Past - Pavilion Theatre, Rhyl - Digital marketing, Research & Audience Development. Self employed/business owner, Student Loans Company, Denbighshire County Council, Inland Revenue, Hospitality Manager.

Interests; Social media, reading, performance & theatre, floristry, cake decor, computing & technology, art, graphic design, web design, wine (& vodka), chocolate (certain times of the month), travel, skiing (16 years ago), pets (Posh Paws & Slippers, Karen the fish), gym (well it will be after I have joined), eating out, interior design, DIY, gardening, cooking, making things look cool, making things, being cool, fake tan, mascara, monkeys, festival going, maxi dresses, spice, band practise, partying.

Places I Have Been; Austria, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Florida, Spain, Portugal, Lanzarote, Turkey, India, France, Germany, Belgium, Egypt, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia.

Stuff; Mother of 2 legends, lover of wine, cats and James. Foodie, family cook, hater of prawns and crap websites. I have 6 cousins, I laugh a lot, I am totally addicted to social media (handily is part of my job), I need 8 hours sleep a night to get by, I'm short-sighted.

  • Work
    • Marketing
  • Education
    • Ysgol Bryn elian
    • Llandrillo college