Barbara Casey

Director in Los Angeles, California

Visit my company website

I run the Department of Everything at Movie Animals Protected (MAP), a nonprofit startup I created when I was laid off from a job I loved. With nothing but a cell phone and a computer, I said move over monopoly cause I know what I'm doing.

Somehow, in the midst of controlled chaos, I resolve conflict and solve unique problems. It's the complete opposite of "Hurry up and wait", better described as wait, wait and hurry up. I wear many hats, help staff realize personal potential, improve the company, and try to change the world. Lucky me, I am able to help animals. I mean, who doesn't want to help animals?

Originally from Boston, living in Los Angeles so long my family accuses me of "talking fake”. The love of my life, my 230-month-old baby is in her second year of college. Silly, I feel like she is breaking up with me. Almost nothing makes me happier than a good vinaigrette. Dogs break my heart and cats make me laugh.