Cat Mills

Film-maker and Adventure Writer, Cat Mills is naturally drawn to the bizarre and seeks out the unconventional from every corner, whether that is attending gathering of UFO conspiracy theorists or battling it out tooth and nail at La Tomatina, the world's largest food fight.

During her days at the University of British Columbia Cat was accepted into the Golden Key International Honour Society, celebrating the top 15% in each faculty. After graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film Production, Cat was selected as 1 of 20 up and coming film-makers nation wide to participate in the Canadian Film and Television Producers Association National Producers Internship program, which she fulfilled with the Vancouver production company Anagram Pictures under Gemini award winning Blake Corbet and Mary Anne Waterhouse.

After a brief solo traveling stint in Europe Cat packed her bags and moved to London, finding employment in the international office of Summit Entertainment.

Cat is currently the Producer and Host of Wicked & Weird Around the World, a travel series about the strangest celebrations across the globe.