Celeste Payne

Celeste Payne is the founder and CEO of Celeste Payne Enterprises. She is a Life Transformation coach, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and youth advocate. Her purpose in life is to teach people how to move past the pain, discover their passion, embrace their authenticity, love freely and walk in their purpose so they can live an amazing and abundant life.

Celeste's story is one of molestation, rape, physical illness, mental illness, addiction, violence, poverty, homelessness, domestic abuse, abandonment and rejection, teenage pregnancy etc... It is also one of courage, hope, faith, love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, second chances and victory. The simple fact that she is sane, sober and functioning is a testament of God's great love. She is determined to fulfill her purpose to be transparent and help those who are where she has been to leave that place and never return. Celeste hopes that through her story someone will get to know God intimately and realize exactly who He is... Mind Regulator and Heart Healer, The Great Physician, Provider, Protector, Father and Friend. God is Love.

Celeste has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. Celeste has 15 plus years in coaching experience. She mostly works with young adults and women. For more information on Celeste Payne Enterprises, its events, coaching services and booking Celeste Payne as a speaker or workshop facilitator, please email [email protected] or [email protected] or call 501-396.9887